🔐Roles and Permissions

Once your bot is invited to your server, there are some permissions you should set to prevent spam

General Permissions

We recommend setting permissions as below:

Then only enable the following commands for everyone:

  • /tip

  • /droptip

  • /quickdrop

  • /withdraw

  • /deposit

  • /balances

  • /community deposit

Private Channels

If your server has private channels, the bot will need access to it. Follow below to see how to grant it access:

  • Be sure to add the SEIYAN Tip Bot user and role

  • You should be able to see the Bot in the active users under the channel

Channel Advanced Permissions

  • Be sure to allow users to use commands in the channel you want the bot in

Community Wallet Permissions

  • Each server will have it's own community wallet which can be deposited into by users

  • It is HIGHLY recommended to limit the "/ctip" command so that only founders/team members can use the community wallet

Please reach out to SEIYAN Team if you have any questions with these permissions or settings!

Last updated