🤖Telegram Trading Bot

This documentation will guide you on how to use the SEIYAN trading bot available on Telegram and the fastest and most secure bot to trade any token (CW-20 or Token Factory) on Sei Network, powered by $SEIYAN.

If you’d like to start trading with our bot, head to https://t.me/SeiyanTradingBot and click on the Start command!


The bot will charge a 1% fee on each trade.

95% used to buy SEIYAN (up to 20% may be used for referral link earnings).

5% used towards ongoing bot maintenance, feature additions, and quality improvements.

The bought back SEIYAN will be used to reward SEIYAN holders and bot users, as well as to develop new SEIYAN initiatives that continue to intertwine our brand into the Sei ecosystem including increased usage of the bot.

Last updated